Sunday, January 18, 2015

Reasons Why I Made A Blog

“Writing is the geometry of the soul. ”-Plato

Time Check: 3:40 in the morning. Yeah, sunshine will soon rise and I still haven't sleep a wink. My last online conversation with someone ended 13 minutes ago and I'm still here and not having a my good sleep. Those years of drinking too much coffee have paid off and now I got insomnia, a condition where a person have a problem with hibernating. 
But it's not just insomnia but also my massive cold due too the very cold weather (well, that's what you always got after Christmas).

So all things happening right now lead me to sit here in front of my computer writing what's inside my mind without thinking twice. So now I'll gonna write my reasons why did I created this blog and it might as well inspired you to create one if you're not sure to start blogging or not.

1. To be a my dumping site. 
          No, not the dumping site where you throw your garbage (srysly), but an outlet an outlet of my crazy ideas and experiences (AKA personal journal). And who knows if the crazy ideas and fun experiences we write for the world to see might inspired others?

2. To be a better writer.
          Having a place when you can practice writing will help you improve your writing skills. I want to improve my writing skills and having a blog will really help me. A blog serves as a training ground for every inspiring writers out there.

3. To meet new people.
          Yeah, you can't see them personally but who know if it will happened someday? Whether it be through emails, comments or social media, it's surprising how you can easily meet people on the web. And you can form great real bonds with them (no need to handle awkward situations). In fact, most of my great friends today came from the online community.

4. To be more confident.
          I admit it, I'm an introvert and don't like to be seen public. I have a low self esteem and I really hated it when the bright spot is on me. But writing makes me feel more confident and happy about myself. It makes me think that I'm special in my own way specially when other people says I write great. You just don't know how much joy it brings when others says you have a great skill in writing.

5. Well it's free.
          Blogging doesn't required a you to pay. In fact, I haven't spend any single penny in creating a blog site. I just sign up at and make the magic works.

6. To earn money.
          Ever since I was young, I hate to ask my parents for my allowance. My older brother and I grew up in a family with business minded parents so as we grew up, we develop a business like mind. Ever since I was young I want to build my own business. I don't like asking my parents for money because for me everything is earned through hard work. And also, the money i would want to spend would come from my own and not from my parents.

7. To help those who need an advice for something.
          Why most people are on the internet? Not just to socialize but also to look for advice's and tips that they badly need. And I'm always here to help. Trust me on this, I always have an extra ear for everyone.

8. To be a recommendation platform.
          I love doing different things specially finding the best food in the city. I always wanted to share my opinions and recommendation on things that I usually do. My best friend used to tell me that if I really want to share my opinions i should start blogging and now here it is!

 Blogging is a fun and healthy way to do. Now it's your turn to make your decision if you want to do it or not, in the end it's still your choice, I have nothing against that I'm just here to tell advice's. But I guarantee you that you won't regret starting a blog.

See you in my next blog~  


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