Friday, January 1, 2016


It's the time of the year again where everything was refreshed; New year equals to new life.
People might forget their 2015 experience, or someone might forget as time drifts by, or I might forgot it myself but 2015 will always be tattooed in my heart.

A lot of things happened in this year form me. And by mean a lot means a strings of events that makes me discover and realize new things for myself. Let's start from the begging of 2015. I've never said this to anyone but I've fallen into the depth of silent depression where I can't think and see everything clearly. I had fallen into the rabbit hole where falling is the only option. Everything is so pitch black that I learn to adapt my eyes into the darkness. I felt so useless and sometimes I have suicidal thoughts but then soon I come to realize that it was never an option. Just because I'm walking in the darkest part of my life doesn't mean I have to end things by killing myself. No! It's never the solution to a problem. I have to continue walking in life, it's not over yet; it wasn't for me to decide.

Then I remember an old verse "Mathew 7:7: "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened"" 
It always works for me in the past. Whenever I have problems I call to Him and it was always answered. So I pray with all my might and seek for forgiveness for everything that I have done and soon the answers were given to me. And I never realize that it was all just right under my nose. Everything that I never were already given and it was just up to me to recognize it. As soon as I realize this, I've never been so much happier than I could be. Since then,  discovered more about myself.

I was bathed in the light. It was hard at first, I get used to the darkness that being in the light hurts but soon, I come to love it. I realize that I could do everything that I want as long as I put my mind into it. It's all a matter of perspective; of how you look at things. I learn that I should look at all the circumstances positively, let the problem problem you, to never bow down to people that step on you, to never let anything to pull you down and if you fall on the ground you should stand up every time. Just like what Robin Hood said (2010 movie) "rise and rise again until lambs become lions" 

2015 was sure a blast for me, I learn how to be brave and to look positively in my life so a lot of first happened on my life in this year, things that I've never dared to do before, things that I fear. I will surely never regret this year for it teaches me so many lessons. Into the rabbit hole I've fallen but soon I found wonderland.

Goodbye 2015

All ends here. But this is just the beginning. 

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